I wasn't going to write tonight.I probably shouldn't be operating the keyboard, but I'll do my best to say what is on mind mind.
To watch Alex Rodriquez make the final out has given me a great deal of joy. I couldn't have written a more fitting ending to the 2010 Yankees. And for him to do it in Texas, tells me that there must be a real god, and that he's got some interesting things planned for A-Rod in the hereafter.
He does it in front of the fans he forsoke to take the big money and play in the big market.
Perhaps this was only the work of the baseball gods. Perhaps they have scripted some particularly cruel heartaches for the next series. Perhaps it involves a team Cliff Lee played for last year. Perhaps it involves a seventh game.
I refuse to say what you know I am talking about, but how perfect for those roly-poly gods of the game. These guys are strictly Old Testament gods, because they are vengeful, and mean. They show none of the New Testament stuff about love and compassion. They have our fate in their pudgy hands. I wonder if they have worked it all out?
So as I'm listening to Ernie Johnson do the play by play I can't help how lucky we were here in the GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD!!!! And we don't have a fucking bay! I digress.
We were blessed to have Harry Kalas and Richie Ashburn broadcast the game for all those years. If there was a better combo doing baseball on this planet I certainly never heard them.
Wow. These guys made watching some of the worst Phillies teams of all time worth watching. How great was it when Whitey would see something that was stupid he would say to Harry, "I can't believe it Harry.... that was a bonehead play,how does he stay with the team." Most color guys are shills for the team.(See Chris Wheelers career). Not Whitey.He told it like it was.and I loved him for that.
And Harry. He did play by play like Pavoratti sang aria's. His play by play was the best I have ever heard. He didn't overtalk, but when he spoke he usually got it right - unless he was "under the weather" and then all bets were off.
Anybody who ever listened to Harry will never forget things like,"It's a drive to deep right field, its gotta chance - IT'S OUTA HERE!!!! Home run number 35 for Michael Jack Schmidt.
The man was also a legend among drinkers. Harry was known far and wide as a guy who loved a drink - before, during,and after the game - especially after the game. He would go on three day benders, and never miss a game. He drove Phillies brass crazy with his escapades. The night the Phillies clinched the 1993 pennant Harry was so drunk that he could not conduct the post game interviews. I watched as the microphone was taken out of his hand.
I know why Harry was he way he was. How the hell can anyone do all those Phillies games and stay sober.
I have to start seriously thinking of reasons not to root for Lee and the Rangers if they end up playing the Giants. I truly hate Texas and all that it stands for. I wouldn't wnt to root for the team that just beat my team, but how the hell can I root for Texas.
I may have to revert to either not watching the series, or just rooting for injuries.A nice acl tear for Cody Ross would provide amusement. I may have to settle for the torn acl, because nobody will have balls big enough to hit him in the nose.
I don't need to dealwith this yet, because the Phillies are still alive. Maybe the gods want to get us all hyped up for a game 7. Maybe they want us to believe in miracles when the Phillies win game 7, so they can set us up for a Shakespearean tragedy in the series. Maybe they want the Phillies to be the Comeback Kids - only to make the Fall Down And Go Boom kids against Lee in game 7.
Well, for now we need to kick some Giant butts tomorrow night! Cody Ross must go down!
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